The Essential Wellness Lab is the most practical program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create a wellness routine that actually transforms and improves your wellbeing -- but how to maintain the routine even when you lose all traces of motivation??

Before I Tell You All About This Life-Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For….

You’re a busy caregiver, wife, husband, or somebody’s ex with no time for yourself who’s tired of spending every ounce of energy on everyone BUT themselves and ready to put yourself first to have longevity and allow yourself to be infinitely happier, healthier, and more energized. 

Whether you’re... 

  • A single parent (or at least it feels like it) who’s exhausted and has reached a very real breaking point with taking care of everyone else’s needs in the home but their own and knows that taking care of themselves will show their family that they are a person who’s well-being matters too but it’s just a matter of finding the time for themselves. 

  • A recent divorcé navigating the newly single life who knows they need a routine that will improve their well-being but doesn’t know where to start when they’ve been focused on someone else for so long.

  • The person who takes care of everyone else first who wants to set better boundaries and create more balance in their life and wants to get into a routine but lacks the energy to do so but fully aware that you’re capable of pouring into your well-being. 

In the next 60 days

you will have: 

  •  Developed your motivation strategy to make sure you’re always able to reset and restart

  • Discovered the antidotes to all the things that stop you from succeeding at being your best self including self-sabotage and perfectionism. 

  •  Mastered the key dimensions of your life (some you haven’t thought to utilize) to pour into and choose which dimensions are best for your personal routine. 

  • Explored uncommon practices of self-care, how they relate to key dimensions, apply them, and implement them regularly. 

  • Crafted a custom self-care wellness plan that will become your transformative routine


  • Established a simple formula to maintain your routine long term. 

Zeahlot Lopez, LMFT, LP, CEO of VIDA Therapy, Inc.

"Nadie is a great she is open, curious, and has the ability to help people reach their goals for mental health and wellness. Without hesitation, I would recommend Nadie as a well-developed provider and a woman who understands POC."

Enroll in The Essential Wellness Lab Today

Testimonials from a small sample of AMAZING Clients

(names have been changed for privacy)

-Kasey B.

I really appreciate Nadie's clear writing and thinking! She helped me think through several seemingly insurmountable...problems and come to my own conclusions about how to proceed. She holds space and offers her expertise with warmth and friendliness

-Steph A.

She’s warm and understanding whilst still providing the constructive advice that’s likely needed. She’s been amazing in helping me move forward and past the challenges I have faced.-Steph A.

-Phoebe C.

Nadie is a wonderful, caring person with a great understanding of my needs as a patient. She's a good listener, she's supportive, light of heart and has plenty of helpful techniques and insights to offer. Highly recommend-Phoebe C.

-Chris D.

She’s amazing. I can fully be myself and I learned so much from her. She’s helped me build my confidence, esteem and how to process certain emotions.-Chris D.

What's Inside The Essential Wellness Lab

Module One

Your Why: How To Get Motivated

Here’s why it pays to learn from someone who’s gone before you - I know where most people get stuck because I’ve been there! In this module, we’re going to discover the mindset shifts that can propel you forward. 

We’ll start setting you up for success by understanding the 3 keys to motivation, with the end goal of helping you achieve total clarity about what motivates you and how you’re going to use it to complete this program and beyond. 

You're going to get a clear kick in the butt by  the consequences of NOT doing this for you, for your family, for future. You get the insider’s secret to loving yourself enough to not drop the ball on yourself again. (Getting this balance right is critical) 

Finally, you’ll map out a strategy to renew your motivation that you can take away and use anytime you struggle with motivation, not just for this program. (it’s simpler than you think!) So that you have a crystal clear picture of what you’ll be working towards throughout the rest of the program. 

As a licensed therapist, I work with clients every day to get out of the negative habits that they inflict on themselves. There are a few common areas where you could slow yourself down from making much needed progress. In this module, We’re going to identify your self-inflicted venom and the antidotes or fixes.

Together we will change your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs to positive self reflection and goal setting so that you can achieve freedom from the negativity that has been holding you back since the beginning. 

You're going to come to Jesus about your self sabotage with honesty and vulnerability. Set goals, the RIGHT way, so that you’re no longer able to make excuses, using therapists’ best kept secret.

Finally, you’ll build the energy again by using the tactics you learned in the last module to renew your motivation and remembering your why. It’ll be crystal clear how you’ve gotten in your own way in the past and put a full STOP to repeating those patterns. 


  • Get your 3 Keys to Motivation so you can move forward feeling clear, confident, and pumped! These 3 keys will serve as the sparks that will become consistent slow burn in the fire pit. Who knew creating momentum could be as easy as making a few smart mindset shifts BEFORE getting started. 

  • Feel the gravity of the consequences of NOT creating your wellness plan. Not only will this motivate you into action, it’ll eliminate the dreaded wavering and second guessing that often sets in if you let this important realization go on unacknowledged. 

  • Make the choice to love yourself so that you can know right off the bat that you WILL create this plan instead of letting the looming fear of failure drain all your energy and motivation. Never again.  

  • Understand your venomous self so you will fully aware of what stops you from successfully being the person you want to be. You’ve never smashed goals this easily after you learn this skill. 

  • Discover how setting yourself up for success instead of disappointment dramatically shifts what you can accomplish in a week (maybe even in a day). Putting the antidotes to practice will show you a version of yourself you thought was buried deep inside you and unable to show up for you 

  • Get the matras and tools you need to challenge your negative thought patterns.  So that you can go to bat for yourself when your mind tries to inject you with venom using hollow fangs. 

Module Two

12 Dimensions of Wellness

It’ll be the ultimate time saver to understand wellness holistically when coming up with your own wellness plan. You could traipse all around the internet researching but it’s all right here! In this module, we’re going to discover 12 dimensions of wellness you can use to create your unique plan. 

You’re going to fully understand how well you care for yourself in these areas. (You may be surprised, you’re likely doing better than you think) 

Discover which dimensions resonate most with you. You don’t have to use them all in your plan, it’s all about finding alignment and ease to create consistency. 


  • Get your key dimensions of wellness laid down and choose the ones that resonate most with you to start creating a wellness plan. 

  • Map where you have some room to grow, looking at areas you can continue to improve upon over time or areas you want to incorporate down the road. 

Module Three

The Practices

One major key to success is understanding the practices that boost each dimension of your well-being. I know it’s easy to get stuck without any idea how to start creating your wellness routine, these practices will allow you to create endless possibilities for your wellness routine. 

We’ll start setting you up for success by understanding the 3 keys to motivation, with the end goal of helping you achieve total clarity about what motivates you and how you’re going to use it to complete this program and beyond. 

You're going to get clear examples of various wellness practices and have chance to implement them into your life before you build your custom plan. 


  • Get 6 practices explained with examples and templates for using each. These practices will serve as the sparks that will become consistent slow burn in the fire pit, that will last a lifetime. 

  • Try out and implement each practice until you find the ones that feel most aligned with you and your lifestyles. We are not forcing anything that doesn’t light you up. (That’s a sure fire way to stop your momentum in its tracks)

Module Four

Craft the Routine

Now that you know all the components to a healthy wellness routine, let’s craft your perfect plan! 

By now, you will be confident in your ability to  care for your well-being easily and consistently. You’ll know exactly what areas of your wellness you want to touch daily, weekly, and monthly. And which practices you’ll utilize with each dimension. 


  • Craft daily, weekly, and monthly SMART goals. You’ll have identified areas of growth and areas of maintenance with ease! Because you are no longer pressuring yourself and setting yourself up for disappointment with your venom. You’re confident that you can achieve more fulfillment at any pace. 

  • Use my blueprint to form each step to achieving your growth goals and your maintenance goals. You’ll have created a wellness routine for yourself that you LOVE because it’s completely do-able. 

Module Five

Maintenance Planning

In our last module, I'll give you a reality check. This glorious routine is not going to sustain itself. This is why it pays to learn from someone who’s gone before you, because this is where I tripped up during my wellness journey. I’ve taken care of all the stumbling blocks for you. 

But you knew that because you’ve been at this for years. Trying to be healthier from the inside out but putting yourself last on the list. 

I’m going to teach you everything you need to know to stay on track and  never lose yourself the way you’re lost now. You’ll know exactly how to get yourself out of a rut or even if you fall back into old venomous habits. 


  • Understand how to recognize when you are falling back into old ways and watch yourself before it’s too late. Learn how to consistently foster growth within and without. 

  • Get the method that therapists use everyday to keep their clients from going into a full blow crisis. At your fingertips, you’ll know exactly what to do to kickstart your self back up. 

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:

The Essential Wellness Lab 

(A $2,990 Value)

  • 5 Implementation Modules showing you literally All The Things you need to do to turn your life into one you don’t want to escape from

  • 3 Implementation Weeks where you won't receive any new information. This will help prevent overwhelm and allow for more implementation practice

  •  The Keys to Motivation to make sure you never fall back into old habits of self sabotage, perfectionism, and ‘not enough time for myself’ and instead prioritize you and your well-being

  • A complete step-by-step plan showing you how to create and execute a productive self care wellness routine that dynamically improves your entire well-being.  

  • A next level maintenance strategy to amplify your results and never put yourself last again. 

. . .

You’ll be given access to one module per week (except for the implementation weeks) -- so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute that portion of the project plan before moving onto the next. 

We do this to protect your time, attention, and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most people in their tracks. 

. . .

Plus These Bonuses To Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (And Keep It Going!)

Bonus 01

8 weeks inside the Private Essential Wellness Lab Facebook Group for Members Only 

Feel seen and heard with a private community of positive people going through this wellness journey with you. 

(A $397 Value)

What you’ll Get: 

  • A highly supportive online community with fellow students and the Freedom Team to make sure you get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of weeks. 

  • A space to overcome isolation and constantly refill your motivation tank by connecting with other busy folks who “get” the wellness journey and are here to help each other cross that finish line. 

Bonus 02

Exclusive Not-Sold-Anywhere Journal Prompt Power Pack for Members Only 

Utilize one of the most powerful practices with ease using these prompts

(A $119 Value)

What you’ll Get: 

  • 10+ journal prompts for each dimension of wellness covered in the program.

  • A no-excuses one stop shop when you’re feeling stuck with what to write about daily, weekly, or monthly. 

  • A resource to find inspiration for any dimension of well-being you feel needs to be uplifted. 

Bonus 03

8 Weekly Scheduled Q&A Sessions 

Get unstuck and the support needed to stay in motion with Q&A Sessions through out the program 

(A $345 Value)

What you’ll Get: 

  • Answers to any burning questions

  • A professional perspective for clarification any road bumps you're facing while building your plan

  • Scheduled session that will keep you on track with your goals

The Essential Wellness Lab 

8 weeks of Live Group Coaching for Members Only 

Get unstuck in a matter of minutes and maintain your momentum right through and into longevity

(A $897 Value)

Inside the Coaching Sessions You’ll Get: 

  • Exclusive weekly live group coaching sessions to make sure you get your burning questions answered face to face and can move forward with total clarity and confidence.

  • A highly supportive community with fellow students and the Freedom Team to make sure you get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of weeks. 

  • A space to overcome isolation and know you have fully committed to living a life you don’t need to escape from. 

When you add it all up, that’s a total real-world value of $4,748

But because I’m super excited to welcome you into The Essential Wellness Lab, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special price of just...

Enroll in The Essential Wellness Lab Today

Plus You’ll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront…

The Essential Wellness Lab is the most direct step by step path to create and implement the wellness routine you’ve been trying to create for yourself for YEARS. 

Our community is highly curated and filled with helpful, motivated, and super-supportive members who are building a better version of themselves. When you join, you will be part of this special group. 

Now here’s the kicker.

By the end of these 14 days, you’ll have received access to the first two modules.

Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to find your motivation and end the cycle of self-sabotage to begin building your personal, customized wellness plan BEFORE making a final commitment. 

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated in your ability to produce and regularly participate in your routine (and your ability to maintain it long term), simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here >>

Burning Q’s your fellow Wellness Junkies asked before grabbing their access to the program

  • How do I get access to your brain if I'm not a current client?

    You will be offered the option of 1 on 1 coaching when you purchase this program. If you choose not to take that offer, we will have Q&A Sessions during every module where you can ask all your questions. I will answering ALL questions. That way you always my perspective and my take on things.

  • Will I get immediate access to the content?

    No. Each week you'll get access to a new module. We do this so you don't get overwhelmed and can focus on each step.

  • What happens if I get stuck?

    Reach out this community! This community is made of likeminded individuals that want to grow and help others grow. So use the message boards, use the Q&A, Ask and you shall receive.

  • Can I find this information for free online?

    ​You can find almost anything online these days, but does that mean it’s legitimate and helpful? Not at all! It would be hard to piece together what you find online to re-build the road map I'm giving you here. What sets EWL apart is that all of the information is structured into a step-by-step process that doesn’t require you to spend hours and hours sifting through Google or YouTube for useful information or advice.

  • Do I need to invest in anything else other than your program?

    No at all! I will be recommending some journals and various different resources. None of which you NEED to be successful in this course. Everything you need you likely already have at home.

Enroll in The Essential Wellness Lab Today

Still “thinking about it”?

You should give The Essential Wellness Lab a 14 day risk-free shot if you’re motivated by any of the following:

You want your life back… like… really badly. 

You’re exhausted, you feel like you’ve been carrying everything on your own. You’ve reached a very real breaking point with taking care of everyone else’s needs but your own and you KNOW that taking care of yourself will show your family that you are a person who’s well-being matters too.

You know you need a routine that will improve your well-being and allow you to understand and know yourself better than you ever have but you truly have no idea where to start (not to mention you’ve been focused on someone else for so long).

You want to set better boundaries and create more balance in your life by getting into a fulfilling routine but you’re already burned out with no energy to do so. While at the same time you’re fully aware that you’re capable of pouring into your well-being and know it would dramatically alter your life if you made it happen. 

. . .

You’re so freakin’ ready to live your best life.

By now, you fully understand that when it comes to your well-being, the barriers to entry are low -- but the barriers to success and longevity are high. 

This doesn’t scare you. It lights you up!

You appreciate that this barrier to success also serves as your biggest motivator against your venomous self, without a COMPLETE step-by-step implementation plan you’d continue to be stuck and the better you, is OVER IT. 

But above all else, you’re ready, willing, and excited to roll up your sleeves and start to grow. 

You’re not afraid of putting in the effort if it means a change. The only thing that scares you is “wasted effort”

And because the Essential Wellness Lab is the most heart centered, practical, and clinically supported program for creating and implementing a wellness routine, you have total confidence that every hour you invest in learning and building your plan will pay off dramatically in the coming months and years. 

. . .

You recognize that this is the best offer you’ll ever get on The Essential Wellness Lab

You’d expect this type of step by step implementation program to sell for nearly 5X the investment. 

In fact, when you factor in that the combined average price of individual therapy sessions $100-250 per session, you’re a little shocked that The Essential Wellness Lab (which is an evolution and major upgrade to simple 1 on 1 sessions) ….clocks in a at an introductory investment of just $397

Along with the stack of special launch bonuses, you’re totally unwilling to let this opportunity slip-- and even MORE unwilling to let a countdown timer get to decide what the next 8 weeks looks like for you. 

. . .

That’s all I got….

If any of these motivating factors had you nodding your head - I borderline insist that you start your wellness journey today with a 14-day risk-free shot. 

-Charlotte E.

Nadie has been very kind, supportive, and caring. She’s also funny which I appreciate because it takes from stigma that therapy must be boring. I also appreciate how she reminds me to be kind to myself and to see the progress I’ve done even if I don’t see it right away.

I personally cannot wait to guide you over these next 8 weeks...

Implementing a wellness routine has literally changed my life. 

I‘ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from depleted and broken with no idea who I am, to feeling like my BEST self, fulfilled, happy, energized and ready to make an impact. 

More than anything I want to share that with you today. 

If you’re a caregiver, a parent, or somebody’s ex, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what your life, living WELL, looks like. 

To experience firsthand the freedom it provides -- and to take real tangible steps to transforming your life and the lives of those around you because of your new found growth, joy, and energy. 

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 8 weeks will be completely and utterly life changing for you and your family. 

I look forward to meeting you personally inside The Essential Wellness Lab. 

My Very Best,

Nadie Roberson, MA, LPC

Enroll in The Essential Wellness Lab Today

Coaching Begins!

Start Creating Your Long-Term Wellness Routine

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